String Hashing
Authors: Benjamin Qi, Andi Qu
Contributors: Andrew Wang, Kevin Sheng
Quickly testing equality of substrings with a small probability of failure.
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rng-58 |
As mentioned in the articles above, there is no need to calculate modular inverses.
class HashedString {private:// change M and B if you wantstatic const long long M = 1e9 + 9;static const long long B = 9973;// pow[i] contains B^i % Mstatic vector<long long> pow;// p_hash[i] is the hash of the first i characters of the given string
This implementation calculates
The hash of any particular substring is then calculated as
using prefix sums. This is nice because the highest power of in that polynomial will always be .
Collision Probability
In general, when using polynomial hashing modulo a prime modulus , the probability of two distinct strings having equal hashing over all possible choices of the base can be up to , where is the length of the longer of the two strings. See rng-58's blog post about hashing (linked above) for how to derive this probability using the Schwarz-Zippel lemma.
Since is prime, the probability of collision when using this hash is at most , by the Schwarz-Zippel lemma. This means that if you select any two different strings of length at most and a random base modulo (e.g. in the code), the probability that they hash to the same value is at most .
Given a set of the hashes of distinct strings with length up to , the probability of two strings having equal hashes can be up to by the birthday paradox. Assuming and are on the order of , is nowhere close to large enough to avoid collisions. Use a larger prime modulus such as (and do multiplications using 128-bit integers).
In contests with open hacking (in particular, Codeforces educational rounds), make sure to choose the base of your polynomial hash randomly, as mentioned here.
In C++, a virtually unhackable way of generating in the implementation above is to use a random number generator seeded with a high-precision clock, as described here.
mt19937 rng((uint32_t)chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());const ll B = uniform_int_distribution<ll>(0, M - 1)(rng);
Example Problem - Searching For Strings
Focus Problem – try your best to solve this problem before continuing!
Solution - One Hash
Time Complexity: , where is the size of the alphabet.
Failure Probability:
We'll use a sliding window over to find the "matches" with .
Since we don't care about relative order when comparing two substrings, we can store frequency tables of the characters in the current window and in . When we slide the window, at most two values in that table change. To compare two substrings, we simply compare the 26 values in each table.
If we only needed to count the number of matches, then the above alone would suffice (in fact, IOI 2006 Writing is just that). However, we need to count the distinct permutations of in , so we need to be a bit more clever.
One way to solve this is by storing the polynomial hashes of each match in a set, since we expect different permutations to have different polynomial hashes. The answer would simply be the size of that set at the end.
Using a relatively small modulus such as will not pass (see the note above regarding the birthday paradox). Instead, we use .
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;using ll = long long;Code Snippet: HashedString (Click to expand)int freq_target[26], freq_curr[26];string n, h;
Solution - Two Hashes
Time Complexity:
Failure Probability:
An alternative solution without frequency tables would be to hash the substrings that we're trying to match. Since order doesn't matter, we need to modify our hash function slightly.
In particular, instead of computing the polynomial hash of the substrings, compute the product as the hash (again, using two modulos). This hash is nice because the relative order of the letters doesn't matter, as multiplication is commutative. Furthermore, as any two strings with different frequency tables map to different polynomials in , they hash to the same value with probability at most over the choice of .
Since this hash requires the modular inverse, there's an extra factor in the time complexity.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>typedef long long ll;using namespace std;Code Snippet: HashedString (Click to expand)const auto M = HashedString::M;const auto B = HashedString::B;const auto mul = HashedString::mul;const auto mod_mul = HashedString::mod_mul;
Status | Source | Problem Name | Difficulty | Tags | |
CSES | Very Easy | Show TagsHashing | |||
Silver | Easy | Show TagsHashing | |||
CEOI | Easy | Show TagsGreedy, Hashing | |||
CF | Easy | Show TagsHashing | |||
CF | Easy | Show TagsHashing | |||
Gold | Normal | Show TagsBinary Search, Hashing | |||
Gold | Normal | Show TagsHashing, Simulation | |||
RMI | Normal | Show TagsHashing | |||
COCI | Normal | Show TagsHashing, Probability | |||
COCI | Hard | Show TagsBinary Search, Hashing | |||
CF | Hard | Show TagsDP, Hashing | |||
Baltic OI | Hard | Show TagsHashing | |||
COCI | Very Hard | Show TagsDSU, Hashing | |||
COI | Very Hard | Show TagsBinary Search, Hashing |
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